Still the Unfinished Swan...

Still the Unfinished Swan...
Left: 250lbs Right: 140lbs

Monday, October 13, 2014

Some say I'm easily distr---Oooooh! That's shiny!!!

Wait, what?

Sorry I've been gone for a while, gang.  My laptop is headed for a landfill so finding ways to post isn't the easiest thing right now.  That aside, I should be more on my game.  I've also been taking an English course online (and getting top marks I must admit), but sadly--I don't get any of the credit.  Anywho--I'm back.

I've been remiss in a bunch of things as of late. My workouts have been few and far between and I've been eating like a 12-year-old boy.  Yeah, I know that's horrid.

It's actually one of the reasons that I'm determined to be better about writing.  I feel like I have to be walking the walk when I'm writing.  Otherwise, it's all hollow.  So here I am.

I've tried explaining this to my dad.  He doesn't quite get it I think, but I know he's trying to understand me a little better.  'A' for effort, Papa K.

Here's the best way that I can say it--  How can I tell people that they can find the time for any type of workout, when I can barely pull myself from my own bed in time for work?  Yeah, that's just a tad hypocritical, no?  Time to get on the straight and narrow.

I'm very fortunate that I have a marvelous support system.  One of my nearest and dearest, my Jodie-kins, is a freaking beast when it comes to her workouts.  She encourages me to do better, but also supports me through the times where I've bounced off the wagon.  Way to be, duck!  As a building, we have several women who are changing their routines and in doing so, their lives with their fitness.  It's a great motivation that we all trade tips--not to mention nail polish tips and where you can find great deals on sunglasses.  I have a great respect for these people.  They don't ask for anything from one another--we just support one another in any way we can with our journeys.  It's a shame that through most of mine, that hasn't been the case.  I'm still learning daily that not everyone wants to see me succeed.  Infact, there are those who would love to see me fail, but that's not an option for me.  I will win.  Not right away, but I will.

I know I'm all over the place tonight and I'm sorry, kids.  I'm exhausted, but wanted to let those of you following along know that I'm back.  Is there anything you want me to focus on for you?  Let me know.